On a climbing trip in Wales, two childhood friends have to face that tensions and rivalries might be all that is left of their friendship. As the day escalates, Glyn tries to keep up with the competition, which ends shockingly yet familiar. Looking back, has he seen this all before?
Directed by Kim Strobl
Produced by Michael Butler & Kim Strobl
Written by Tom Webb
DoP: Amy Newstead
Cast: Iddon Jones, Chris Jenkins
Shot on Canon 5D in Snowdonia, Wales
Best UK Graduate (Fiction) at the Ffresh Awards 2012
Best Cinematography & Best Overall Performances at the WILDSound Film Festival 2012
Sierra Nevada Award Winner at Mountain Film Awards 2012
Nominated for Best Cinematography at the London Student Film Festival 2012
Week 17 Winner at the CinemadaMare Film Festival 2011
Best Director Award at the Central Film School 2011